Discover Your Career Superpowers
Energy talent deserves to be recognized for our greatness
A wave of mergers and acquisitions is redefining the players in the market. Experienced talent is retiring. It's becoming harder to attract fresh people to the field. Additional energy sources are bringing new players looking to disrupt the incumbents.
The challenge we currently face is if we fail to adapt successfully to this tidal wave of change, we risk losing our status as leaders within the very industry we created.
Everyone in oil and gas excels at solving complex problems. We're logical thinkers with deep analytical ability and a constant focus on managing risk. That's what it takes to deliver a steady supply of energy in hazardous conditions while keeping everyone safe.
With so many forces hitting us right now, everyone in energy needs to be laser focused on increasing the level of innovation within ourselves and our organizations.
We need a step change in creative thinking ability.
We associate creativity with musicians, painters and actors. They tap into something, creating beautiful works.
Inventors tap into the same thing as they turn their dreams about the future into reality.
Geniuses, like Leonardo da Vinci, were capable of both.
I'm an engineer. For many years, I thought the most important domain for my technical work was logic. Creativity might be nice, but it wasn't necessary.
I was jealous though - I longed for that spark of inspiration, a muse to help me when I was facing what seemed like an insurmountable problem.
Then I discovered a method had been developed to help anyone discover their inner genius. It's called improv. Actors and comedians already know about and use this technique to push deeper into their creative side.
Desperate to find out if there was any way for an engineer to find his own personal muse, I signed up for a course.
What I found blew me away. I discovered anyone can connect deeply their creative side and find their own personal muse, ready to help with the hardest problems.
Inspiration often feels like a lightning bolt - elusive, fleeting.
While it is remains impossible to predict when the creative spark will occur, it is possible to increase the frequency of the sparks and the likelihood that the moment of inspiration will occur exactly when you need it most.
This program is like going outside in a thunderstorm and flying 1,000 kites to capture the electric potential inside your own mind.
That's because the improv process is all about strengthening the connections inside your mind and with your body.
This is not about being funny or getting laughs on stage. It's about using the process to learn how to incorporate these new dimensions into the analytical skills you already possess.
using untapped parts of your mind
What does an 'immersive experience' look like?
Why we're using improv techniques
The course structure
What you are expected to do along the way
Prepare: What improv is really designed to do
Prepare: This is what an engineer doing improv looks like
Optional: Watch Into the Unknown with Viola Spolin
Why are we doing this step?
Prepare: The forces that shape our lives
Optional: Go deeper into how these forces develop in everyone
Prepare: Take the assessment
Why are we doing this step?
Personal story: This is what Phil's Inner Critic looked like
Behind the scenes: Preparing the story
Come prepared - Here's what you should do before the session
Why are we doing this step?
Come prepared - Here's what you should do before the session
Why are we doing this step?
Come prepared - Here's what you should do before the session
Why are we doing this step?
We'll be using improv techniques, not to be funny, but to strengthen our ability to access our creative sides at the moments we are in most need of inspiration.
I'm an engineer. This program is developed using a systemic, logical approach. It's for anyone with a technical background who wants to level up their impact in their current or future roles. It applies to other areas as well. I've worked with geologists, IT, accounting, and those with auditing/compliance backgrounds as well.
These sessions are 20% sitting, 80% moving. You'll be physically engaging in the space we're in. That's the most effective way to move beyond what you're good at into the superpower zone.
Tap into a new side of yourself
Engineer, Career Coach, Improv Comedian