No one else has impacted energy like you have
Did you know that you have a unique career fingerprint? It's the way in which you have changed the industry that no one else can match.
Learn how to plot your mark on energy with our simple process. Then discover where these skills fit in today's evolving job market.
This course uses an engineering, data-driven method to set your direction. It's designed specifically for oil and gas professionals in engineering, IT, accounting, supply chain and regulatory roles.
Course curriculum
Discovering your unique imprint on the energy industry
Exercise: Your unique spike plot
Case Study: How one executive team leveraged their spikes for the future
The right seat on the right bus
Sometimes you just need a better leader
The right timeframe to consider
Exercise: Thinking with the right perspective
Personal Experience: Phil and Geoffrey share
Book your personalized coaching session

About this course
- $299.00
- 11 lessons
- Personal coaching session
Change is here. Are you ready?
Oil and gas is evolving rapidly. Mergers and downsizing are reshaping the job market.
Whether you're facing an uncertain future or proactively exploring new opportunities, you need a structured, engineering approach to managing your career.
Stay ahead of change by learning the art of the career pivot for oil and gas talent. This course provides specific advice from two experts with over 75 years combined experience within energy.
Re-frame your experiences with an eye for future opportunities. Stay in control of your career and move confidently towards a future you create!
Start your career pivot today!
Geoffrey Cann
Author, Speaker, Career Coach

Philip Black, PE
Engineer, Career Coach, Improv Comedian