Course curriculum

    1. The 5 minute version

    2. The Process: Overview Graphic

    1. What does your ideal life look like?

    2. A job, hobby or career?

    3. Exercise: Your ideal future

    4. Feedback: Goals and Aspirations

    1. Thinking about the future

    2. How social trends will shape oil and gas

    3. Economic forces impacting oil and gas

    4. STEEPLE Analysis Walkthrough and Personalization

    5. Exercise: STEEPLE analysis

    6. Exercise: Opportunities Within Specific Industries

    7. Feedback: Industries and Opportunities

    1. Discovering your unique imprint on the energy industry

    2. Exercise: Your unique spike plot

    3. Case Study: How one executive team leveraged their spikes for the future

    4. The right seat on the right bus

    5. Sometimes you just need a better leader

    6. The right timeframe to consider

    7. Exercise: Thinking with the right perspective

    8. Feedback: Personal Possibilities

    1. Everyone has gaps

    2. BONUS: Common gaps for technical engineers in oil and gas (Part 1)

    3. BONUS: Common gaps for technical engineers in oil and gas (Part 2)

    4. Exercise: Attack the gaps with the best ROI

    5. Feedback: Gap Analysis

About this course

  • $249.00
  • 40 lessons

Course Comments

“I thoroughly enjoyed it. This made me think about aspects of the industry I don't normally pay close attention to.”

“It was really helpful that you included your personal examples. It gave me confidence in the process.”

“I like that it was based on a tried and true business methodology. The instructors were engaging and kept my interest throughout the entire course.”

Create a path to your ideal future

Spend the rest of your career working on the most interesting projects without fear of being downsized or outsourced

Your Instructors

Philip Black, PE (Phil) is a chemical engineer with over 25 yrs experience in the energy sector. His diverse background covers traditional oil and gas, digital transformation, and most recently, the energy transition. Mr. Black has tackled diverse projects for global oil and gas, petrochemical, power, and mining companies. With a background in automation within EPC companies, his focus has been on extracting operational intelligence from control systems. He is a licensed professional engineer in the state of Texas. He entertains audiences as professional improv comedian at The Coronation Theater and ComedySportz in his hometown of Houston, TX. He also shares the joy he's found in his technical career through creative pursuits on stage for audiences at conferences and events.

Philip Black, PE

Engineer, Career Coach, Improv Comedian

Your Instructors

Geoffrey Cann is an international author, professional speaker and trainer to the global Oil and Gas industry. Following an early career with Imperial Oil, he joined Deloitte, where he carried out several hundred consulting assignments around the world, and eventually led a number of businesses, services and industry programs. Today, he specializes in digital innovation, produces a weekly article and podcast on digital issues in energy, and teaches an executive course on digital awareness. His latest book, Carbon, Capital, and the Cloud: A Playbook for Digital Oil and Gas, a study of the leading practices for digital in oil and gas, was released in March 2022, and is also being translated for international markets. Geoffrey releases a weekly article, ‘Digital Oil and Gas’, and publishes a weekly podcast, ‘Digital Innovations in Oil and Gas’, which is syndicated across multiple platforms. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree (with distinction) from McGill University, and an MBA from the Ivey School of Business.

Geoffrey Cann

Author, Speaker, Career Coach