Career Pivot Courses
Pivot Step 1:Goals and Aspirations
CourseKnowing the environment that matches your personality is the critical first step to a career pivot. Being clear on this lays the foundation for future steps as you move through the process.
Pivot Step 2:Industries and Opportunities
CourseLearn a proven strategic method to identify which industries offer the most opportunities for growth. Use the same deep analysis and critical thinking ability you've developed through your years of experience within oil and gas.
Pivot Step 3:Personal Possibilities
CourseNo one else has impacted oil and gas the same way as you. Your career fingerprint is unique. Learn how to plot your mark on energy. Then discover where these skills fit in today's evolving job market.
Pivot Step 4:Fill the Gaps
CourseThe oil and gas industry is enormous. It's impossible to have experience in every area. We all have gaps we need to fill. Discover the gaps with the most ROI to gain the expertise needed for your ideal role.
Pivot Step 5:Build Your Pyramid
CourseThe pyramid is a powerful framework to navigate your career pivot with confidence. It enables you to focus on the next project or role that sets you up for your ideal career with both personal and professional satisfaction.
Free Courses
Behind Closed Doors: Acquisition conversations affecting your career
CourseIt's hard to get unbiased, accurate information which can be used to make critical career decisions when you're being acquired. This course guides you through all stages of the merger, equipping you with the insight you need to accelerate.
Peak Profile Performance: Our Gift To Technical Professionals
CourseIn less than the time it takes to eat lunch, make your LinkedIN profile look better than 71% of technical professionals.