Flagship Courses
Engineer Your Career Pivot
CourseThe energy transition creates a landscape of engaging projects for technical professionals with an oil and gas background. You can re-frame your experiences with an eye for future opportunities.
Discover Your Career Superpowers
CourseEnergy professionals have strong technical talent, achieving amazing results through their analytical ability. Maximizing their potential requires pushing beyond their left brain and exploring what their right brain adds. (IN PERSON ONLY)
Additional Courses
Behind Closed Doors: Acquisition conversations affecting your career
CourseIt's hard to get unbiased, accurate information which can be used to make critical career decisions when you're being acquired. This course guides you through all stages of the merger, equipping you with the insight you need to accelerate.
Peak Profile Performance: Our Gift To Technical Professionals
CourseIn less than the time it takes to eat lunch, make your LinkedIN profile look better than 71% of technical professionals.